Yo guess what I get to do tomorrow...I get to drive the BBBIIIIIGGGG 8400 for like 6 hours in a field i've never really been in surounded by ditches. Joy. That's not the bad part, the bad part is it doesn't even have radio in it so I get to sit there for 6 hours and listen to nothing but the tractor, but hey I get out of school for the day. mmmmmmm im so nervous, that things huge. Wish me luck im gonna need it.
Ok, I was driving it last night with my dad and he's like "how do you stop it" and im like "I have no idea" so then he SLAMMED on the break and I just about went through the windshield. lol
coolnclever, at 10/12/2006 7:13 AM
Well that was fun...It took me five and a half hours to do the whole thing. It was so much fun cept im almost horse from talking to myself the whole time. lol
coolnclever, at 10/12/2006 2:38 PM
Horse? you must've been yelling at your self.
Mike, at 10/12/2006 5:57 PM
Sam I really feel for you. Tell your Dad he has great almost throwing your daughter through the windsheild skills. Just joking.
Gloria, at 10/12/2006 5:58 PM
lol G thank's Jerm
Well mike I had to hear myself over the tractor
lol I'll let him know Gloria
coolnclever, at 10/12/2006 11:03 PM
I already took some pictures of it but the house itself didn't trun out very good.
coolnclever, at 10/13/2006 1:50 PM
Sam you didn't do the whole field.
I did some too.
amanda, at 10/13/2006 4:31 PM
lol ya your Dad pretty much has some skill. :)
amanda, at 10/13/2006 4:31 PM
oh you mean in that one corner...ya well I thought that was part of the other field.
coolnclever, at 10/13/2006 5:25 PM
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