Sweet,the host sucks one is pretty good.When I was playing today it was lagging so bad.Would you beleive that I got 3 kills when it was swords on lockout!That pretty much sucked.But we still won:)
Hi I am a teenage girl who loves to have fun with my friend's. I also like playing Halo2 but it doesn't rule my life like most ppl think. I love shopping, having parties, and going to the beach. Well I like alot of other thing's to but I'm not gonna go through them. I hate bug's, gay ppl, and cheaters. again lot's of other stuff. I have the greatest family and group of friend's one could hope for. Oh and I'm a farmer.
Sweet,the host sucks one is pretty good.When I was playing today it was lagging so bad.Would you beleive that I got 3 kills when it was swords on lockout!That pretty much sucked.But we still won:)
amanda, at 4/20/2006 8:10 PM
That was mean. Dont worry manna you could kick his but any day :)
Hippie she has beat me alot more times than you have.
coolnclever, at 4/21/2006 2:15 PM
thanks sam:)are you having fun tonight?,lol.sorry,all i can say is that i am so glad i am not you right now:(
amanda, at 4/21/2006 7:01 PM
hippi you sicken me!! MAJORLY.
~Em~, at 4/21/2006 9:31 PM
wanna bet
coolnclever, at 4/22/2006 10:47 AM
don't say that it reminds me of someone:O
amanda, at 4/22/2006 2:16 PM
And jerm i don't know how good you are and i don't think you know how good i am so you can't really say one way or another.
O good news i got another killtack yesterday and when i explained to my Mom what that was she was like how can you even do that.It was really funny.
amanda, at 4/22/2006 2:20 PM
Working on it kiki.
coolnclever, at 4/22/2006 7:21 PM
that could be true.
amanda, at 4/22/2006 7:24 PM
Twould be interesting to see.
Mike, at 4/24/2006 9:21 PM
coolnclever, at 4/24/2006 10:05 PM
amanda, at 4/25/2006 7:51 AM
I et you guys are about the same!
~Em~, at 4/26/2006 4:25 PM
You think that peter is better than me!
well i guess it might be possible:O
amanda, at 4/29/2006 7:24 PM
no way.
coolnclever, at 5/01/2006 10:18 AM
O thanks:)
amanda, at 5/02/2006 4:23 PM
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